joi, 23 octombrie 2014

Sanseverino- La Cigarette

Tonight one of my dreams has been shattered

Tonight one of my dreams has been shattered: Maldive Islands are not my dream holidays location. All that deep blue and marvelous lands are only the surface image of a country where the human rights rights are just ignored..some other extremist Muslims are trying to impose la Charî'a even for small children...I am sad..I respect people's rights and believes and religion..but I DO HATE matter where it is shown and imposed..SO..sorry..but starting now..I do not want to go to Maldives anymore..what happens behind the beautiful touristic images makes me too sad for having fun..

marți, 11 februarie 2014

chanel no 5 by night...

Chanel no 5 by night? it is like being a little bit of Marilyn Monroe..if only for some seconds before falling asleep and some minutes in your dreams..but surely worthwhile I love chanel no 5! Don't you?

marți, 4 februarie 2014

Regrets are like..drugs

Regrets are like..drugs ..can not have 'em all..can not stick to only one, can't give 'em up..can't love 'em enough and really can't hate them enough and/or is always a good start for your next day...and it is a drug..and at some point you are gonna regret you are addicted to :))))..sooner or later..always a heart thing:)

sâmbătă, 1 februarie 2014

Logica de carton a stiristului de la ora 5:

Daca 1: Sistemul nostru solar este plin de asteroizi care pot pune Pământul în pericol.
si 2: Centura de Asteroizi dintre Marte şi Jupiter a fost formata de corpuri cereşti din întreg sistemul nostru solar.
atunci 3: astfel de asteroizi scăpaţi de sub control ne pot oricând pune în pericol planeta.
Intrebare intrebatoare: Cine mama mesii detine controlul asteroizilor si de ce ar vrea sa-i scape de sub control?

joi, 30 ianuarie 2014

just a thought..

just a thought..maybe that's the point..for ever is no good..where would be our spiritual evolution if everything should last for ever? everything's changing..we are not to be spared...and this should be a good thing...evolving and transforming..this is the meaning of life..and humble opinion..

Are you a man or a mouse?

funny stuff: some men like 'round' women practicing sports at least once a week..well..sorry guys..this round woman has to choose between 'being round' and sports..not only because sports could shape the round into a ..triangle, rectangle, square shape..flat line...but because sports could transform this woman into a ..dunno ..vegetable(broccoli (the most scary one :)) ..)? what the hack would you prefer? a woman or a plant? are you a man or a mouse? This is my question...

New Chinese Year resolution..

New Chinese Year resolution: I am a rock(er)..hard to get or swallow, heavy to handle, progressively turning to steel..always hard(a)ware outside, soft(a)ware inside..always on the dark side because they have coffee and coffee and sweet soft cookies Happy end of the week, weak and Chinese year ...

vineri, 24 ianuarie 2014

Why I do not play FB games anymore.. :)

If I have missing letters in my words that is because my keyboard is broken... farm-something ville grew plants on my keyboard or candy crush saga got the keys of my keyboard too sticky..:) ..that is why I do not play FB games anymore ...

Wrinkles should not be scary..

I like to think that the wrinkles are little pockets where our body decided to treasure the touches of every thing, person, sound, thought or feeling that gave us goose bumps during our life...and I am not afraid of wrinkles anymore:)

joi, 9 ianuarie 2014

Smiles are reversed rainbows...

Life's hard..and bitchy...bitchin', slappin', kickin' us every single moment..with joy, happiness, sadness..cuteness..tears...hard work , hard times and bitterness us so many reasons to smile ... Smiles are like reversed rainbows...I think everybody smiles when seeing a rainbow...thusly when rainbows's a magical moment when high sky and fluffy clouds smile while watching the Earth..and people need to smile back...just for  some circles to be completed...and these smiles come in colors too:) no wonder why they say that the laughter can be colorful :)

miercuri, 8 ianuarie 2014

Holly Shrap..we had a Panic Attack!

Was wondering today..why are humans so afraid of aliens? Just because they are different and because there were a lot of stories told about them? I am so looking forward to meet ET... but with so much general hostility in the air..I doubt I can ever see one in this life :) ..reading today about an almost 3rd ° encounter in Germany? And there was a huge panic attack??? Why? Even if the freakin' UFO was real..why panic? was just 1 ... ONE freakin' UFO in the middle of one of the most developed countries / powers of Europe and balls? Folks..if the Aliens ..the cute ET come, and if they do come to beat the crap out of assured..they will not just gaze at our panic attacks:)) they will just beam-fry us't worry so much..just enjoy making friends!

vineri, 3 ianuarie 2014

Today was a good day for...

My Today started very early as usual 2:30 with some crazily beautiful documentaries on wild life...on the sea, in Papua..under the sea with the hammersharks..and in Galapagos (TF1 should really stop tempting me with these things)..going on with the big RED billboard at Gare de l'Est..with Bruce Willis' sexy smile..which draw a big smile on my face..early in the morning...:)..and tonight..another big billboard of a Romanian movie..'Mere et Fils'..I so have to take a picture of my metro was already there so no time to do it..see the trailer:

..yeah..was a.long Friday..I am tired..but..happy to say..Today was a good day for..what ever happened..