luni, 30 decembrie 2013
2 thousands and ..Xteen
1 DAY left ..2013 will be over tomorrow..and I am in a 'grumpy cat mood' when it comes to..plannings, resolutions, solutions...or any others 'nings' or 'utions'.. I mean plannings, no resolutions, no solutions..just eager to get there, to start..and bear with anything that is going to come along..on the path...because..I have's so damned cannot know what the morrow will the heck could you know what a whole year will? So..hardly can wait for the change of the 'teen' and once there..just follow the flow..or go against it..because these are the only 2 options..and I am just a Pisces..and I am pretty unpredictable too :) Happy New Year!
10+10 reasons why I want to go on Mars with MarsOne
10 'because I cannot stand anymore' reasons I want to go on Mars for:
1. stupid people
2. Rroms (and I am not xenophobe, other are xenophobes with regards of me because of the rroms)
3. Countries
4. Politics
5. Xenophobia
6. RER B in IDF
7. Frontiers
8. Pollution
9. Noises (aka bad music and non-sense talking induced by non-sense thinking)
10. False 'Liberté, Egalité Fraternité' - we are not equals..not even when born..not all..we are all slaves...of systems, of others, of our own desires...; we do not join anything unless it is convenient..and even is just ever pink...and then we just die and nothing else matters..
10 'because I am looking forward for' reasons I want to go on Mars for:
1. going where few have been gone before
2. Silence of the Space
3. No frontiers
4. Learn, learn, learn
5. Music of the stars
6. the view of Earth(and not only) from Space
7. Discoveries
8. Meet some aliens
9. Live a simple pioneer life
10. Not being buried or burned after death...but being left to just drift on the path of the... Universe...maybe :)
1. stupid people
2. Rroms (and I am not xenophobe, other are xenophobes with regards of me because of the rroms)
3. Countries
4. Politics
5. Xenophobia
6. RER B in IDF
7. Frontiers
8. Pollution
9. Noises (aka bad music and non-sense talking induced by non-sense thinking)
10. False 'Liberté, Egalité Fraternité' - we are not equals..not even when born..not all..we are all slaves...of systems, of others, of our own desires...; we do not join anything unless it is convenient..and even is just ever pink...and then we just die and nothing else matters..
10 'because I am looking forward for' reasons I want to go on Mars for:
1. going where few have been gone before
2. Silence of the Space
3. No frontiers
4. Learn, learn, learn
5. Music of the stars
6. the view of Earth(and not only) from Space
7. Discoveries
8. Meet some aliens
9. Live a simple pioneer life
10. Not being buried or burned after death...but being left to just drift on the path of the... Universe...maybe :)
sâmbătă, 14 decembrie 2013
2013 downloaded
17 more days until 2013 will be fully downloaded and archived...looking really was this 2013 year? Well for me..hectic..started in loads of stress..while trying to find a new mission, thusly January was tuff...meat a wonderful person (wonderful inside..touched his soul and it felt like heaven..but weirder than me on the outside..right..I am one of the least defensive people around here) who I like to think he still is my friend...a dear one...Got the most weird mission at I was using my own email address for work, and had no computer of my own so I got one from another employee there, and all her passwords along.. (pfff sweet security was dead!), had no badge, but anyone could let me in the offices area, was reading a lot on the transport (which last 1h30 x 2 each day)..and read GoT and 50 shades of Grey (oh yeah, I was so laughing in the trains and most of the people there were staring at me weirdly)was cold..alone, laughing with my new friend..reading..mistaking buses..but yeah..mainly getting back home despite that, losing nights..having nice dinners with my friend..talking about music, mainly he..who is a pro..well..a good new year start after all.. Than new mission at Reims came along..and I experienced high speed train - tgv - and bad winter in IDF..snow, and stuck trains and delays..and cold..and no transport in Reims..and yeah, getting lost there while trying to find a way to get in the office. and strikes..and nice colleagues..and the beautiful cathedral and churches in Reims (Notre Dame and St Remi), dreaming at champagne and actually drinking coffee..loads of coffee..and laughters..and gare de l'est..and every morning TER arrivals with thousands of people coming in a wave you could not cross over...and TGV again..people you can see on daily basis..people coming from Reims to work in Paris..people from Paris going to work in Reims or Sedan or somewhere in between..computers on the little train tables..phones and emails, smiles and sleepy eyes, breakfast in the calls..and the SNCF agents who are starting to know you:) smiling and making're almost friends..and beautiful sightseeings..watching the seasons changing in the fields and in the forests on the way..the arrival of migrating birds..the crops starting to grow..the summer arriving..colors changing from white and grey to green and high blues..and black clouds, and storms..and beautiful autumn colors...and golden sun and LIFE.. shopping crazily..MIM my love...and stressing..a lot..for many different reasons..and my very first shock...never experienced it in my life..but I got it this year.., some many other firsts I dared or they dared me..and a pick..I was robed..near my house..not very bad..but..shook me..a lot.. realised that my cocoon was not there anymore..that I was very exposed..that the cradle was far away..and I was ALONE..facing all threads..tuff ..but well...and there were men trying to get to me, I was trying to get to other one..ones..what ever..and yeah..was cooking..gardening, shopping..watching movies, listening to great music, staying a matter what..facebooking...changed some style..changed a little bit..outside..being the same old silly clumsy girl..always inlove...having those "bambi" eyes (as someone told me some time ago)..still growing my Asterix and Obelix collection, still obeying my cat..still watching sci-fi and sitcoms..still listening to my dear rock&metal bands..still reading..still being in love with the stars and the sky and the clouds and the rain in may and the snow in December..and still dreaming to write a book..not a dictionary I have already been co-writer of.. and yeah..still hope ..for a better 2014! Have a great year end and a super duper 2014, all of you!
Paris Gare du Nord
Paris Gare du Nord..trains.. loads of people..all kind of people: yellow, white, black, beige, all colors..hobos, rich people and poor people, middle class..all cultures, all of the most cosmopolitan places you can find on this Earth..noises..languages, stories..sad or happy..shouts, screams, laughters, tears, people in a hurry, children crying, strolers.. boutiques, big va-et-vient, people are mostly running or at leas walking very fast..allmost all have trains to catch, places to get to..people to meet..see...wait..if you do not pay attention you are at a one's waiting for you, and you can be stummbled and fall...screens announcing the arrivals and the direction, the strikes and the incidents delaying the trains..voyous..pick-pockets, baggers..gipsies..rroms..police..military..luggages, gangs, drug people..restaurants..tourists..very beautiful girls and very lonely guys...phones ..sadness..tired people..sleepy people (if you are lucky)..and the 'all kind of nuts' indian billboards ..and sometimes a beaten guy, in a lake of blood..police..dogs. the voice announcing..whatever you are lucky to have at this point...and books..real books..or ebooks..and lot of technology...and than..there are the mice..little, speeding beside probably blind and half deaf..scared and yet bold enough to run beside and across trails..and yeah..last but not least..the pigeons...walking and flying around..among them a bunch with their feet injured..and one, at least one I really see constantly..his little feet look like little fists..he has no more toes, the poor thing..but he is WALKING...and since I saw him for the first time, and each and every day (well mostly night) I see him, I got tears in my eyes and one thought in my head: if he can go on like this..I can go on for sure no matter what is really a for ever source of surprizes...and ..I ..I am taking my time to walk slowly and wisely among all this sea of unexpected surprizes every night after work/bus/tgv/metro...well not every time very happy of what rer B is dealing with but..if the little pigeon can live..I can fuck RER B ..must not worry and be happy!
luni, 28 octombrie 2013
duminică, 27 octombrie 2013
duminică, 12 mai 2013
Libertatea de a nu sarbatori independenta
Am primit azi stirea..nici nu mai conteaza care publicatie online a trimis-o, cum ca Romania e singura tara care nu-si sarbatoreste independenta....Hmmmmm.....e grav doctore in istorie? Probabil ca operatia de obtinere a independentei a fost genial de reusita, doar ca pacientul a decedat. Pai..intrebarea care se pune nu e 'de ce nu sarbatorim?' ci 'ce e aceea independenta? Care independenta?' aceea obtinuta in 1877?(da asta ar fi sarbatoarea, dar prea se confunda cu sarbatoarea regala si asta dauneaza grav dictaturii..comuniste.. maneliste) aceea din 1914? aceea din 1945? aceea din 1965-1970(70 si ceva)? aceea din 1989? sau asta din ultimii ani fata de UE si Schengen? Suntem asa de liberi incat putem sarbatori cam multe independente fiind in acelasi timp extrem de dependenti. Si cand exista prea multe alternative..alegerea e cea mai grea sarcina a unui popor liber sa faca ce vrea si a unui guvern liber sa faca ce vrea cu libertatea si independenta sau dependenta poporului.
intre 2000 si 13 sau problema virgulei in istoria Romaniei
Iliescu, cheia e la tine, jocuri piramidale, internet, yahoo, google, matusa Tamara, ultimul sa stinga lumina, schimbarea, pro teve, antene, paine fara cartela, mortadela, pulpe de pui xxl, cafea, un mobil la cingatoare, divertis, vacanta mare, VETA..chiuveta.., Facebook, UE, base, eba, CAPITALA CULTURALA EUROPEANA, Becali, valiza cu bani, termopane, credite cu buletinu, romanii au talent(e), gutza, salam, buzuca, divorturi-impacate la nivel 'inalt' cultural si social, gropi, inundatii, diplome doar pe bani si degeaba, capitalism doar pe paine, miscare doar antitaxe, bac, anti-cultura, anti-scoala, anti-romanism, istorie, 2012..lumea e fara mai avem bani de salarii si pensii si ajutoare sociale...tot ce conteaza e ca EBA a pus o virgula in urarea de la multi ani adresata tatalui ei pe facebook. In Germania, o organizatie nemteasca lupta pentru drepturile romanilor aflati la munca acolo: cer salariu minim si locuinte decente pentru muncitorii romani care si-au parasit tara pentru ca oricum nimanui nu-i pasa de ei acolo. Ceasul, raul si pisica neagra cu numarul 13 au castigat cursa alegerilor in romania.
luni, 11 martie 2013
Some two month ago I got an email about a project..exciting..marvelous..great..nickel..the dream of my entire life.. MARS-ONE..a project meant to bring people on Mars..common people.. Sounded so NICE..SWEET..SURREAL..still is in some ways..but just the dream about to come true someday, even if the project is just a project for the next 50 years gave me some wings :)I would really love to take part of this..before I die :))) Going OUT-THERE is the dream of my life...not even tele-porting can equal it. Flying towards the stars and new planets..going to what I ever read and dreamed about and the most beautiful Sci-Fi stories I read about were about this..
Now really..after accomplishing some teenager dreams like walking mechanical walkways..talking on mobile video-phones and having ultra-portable on Mars is the next stop_point. As said already..changed my town, my country..need to change continent and planet :))))
Hope to do it this century! Hope I will live as much to make this dream come true.
Mars..wait for me! :)
miercuri, 6 martie 2013
Eiffel Tower
Just had to answer some questions on a community page I am member of...related to the symbolistic of the Eiffel Tower for the tourists...many were disappointed when they saw the Tower..I wonder why..because I am thinking...
Maybe some people are really bored to see the Eiffel Tower more than is a huge piece of metal indeed, but..have you tried to see it from different places, different corners of Paris? From la place de la Concorde? from the Tuilleries, from the Seine bridges? from the metro by night? from parisian outskirts also by night? from the Montparnasse tower by day with all Paris around, or by night? Surely it is a very impressive monument as seen from the Trocadero esplanade or from a 50 meters distance..but different perspectives give many suggestive aspects and faces, beauty and grace...nostalgia ... to this symbol of Paris and of France. I tried all these and I am still searching new corners..:) as for the city of Paris...try to see not only the emblematic monuments..try the small boutiques, the little streets with their cafes and brasseries...every single street of Paris has a huge load of historical memories...and such beautiful things to see and remember..try the bridges over the seine, try the bridges over the train stations, at Gare du Nord et Gare de l'Est ...or just take the train or the metro and take a city tour....:) Have fun and take care...
joi, 24 ianuarie 2013
Cat de simplu...
Astazi mi-am primit cazierul judiciar de la francezi:) Cat a fost de simplu! A facut o cerere pe internet pe pagina oficiala a Ministerului de Justitie, am primit confirmarea pe email si cererea de a trimite actul de identitate..3 zile mai tarziu - adica astazi - am primit 3 exemplare de cazier judiciar pe stay cool...cazierul e barat adica - curat -.:)) Si a fost chiar gratis. Nu m-a costat decat 10 minute din viata mea! Chapeau les francais! Cat a fost de simplu! (stiu ma repet, dar asa se intampla cand nu prea iti crezi ochilor) vrea sa vad asa ceva in Romania, unde sistemul informatizat pare sa foloseasca doar pentru chat, jocuri on-line si chestii erotice. Pentru ca atunci cand ai nevoie de un cazier, de un extras, un document de orice cea mai mare parte din cazuri platesti astepti, trebuie sa fii "personal' la coada din fata poate primesti si documentul respectiv..demersurile nefiind o garantie ca sistemul si functioneaza asa cum te astepti.
No, seara faina si zile si mai faine sa aveti!
miercuri, 9 ianuarie 2013
Sa ne intoarcem deci la blogurile mele
Da....imi revin la blogurile mele:) Desi planuiesc sa 'extind' activitatea, desi incerc sa gasesc o solutie pentru a schimba dulcea limba romana cu la fel de dulcea limba engleza pentru a da acces tuturor prietenilor mei(nevorbitori de limba romana) la acest blog, o sa continui sa scriu in romana pentru o vreme. Nu de alta, dar obisnuinta e obisnuinta, si apoi e destul de dificil sa traduc numele blogului...inca nu am gasit cuvantul potrivit care sa semene cu ceea ce exprima acum gandul pare ca singurele mai apropiate de sensul tiptilului sunt "tiptoed" si "stealthy".
Si, desi google translate nu o sa fie capabil sa traduca toate jocurile mele de cuvinte (mai reusite sau mai putin reusite), iata, am ales calea de mijloc, impacand si capra si varza: am introdus unealta googaliceasca de tradus blogul in vreo 50 de limbi..e haios alocuri..dar acceptabil ca economie de timp si de stalcit limbi.
Am strans multe multe posvesti in ultimii doi ani de absenta :)..nici nu stiu cu ce sa incep. O sa planuiesc o revenire tiptila cu ceva seriale despre noua mea viata din Franta, despre motanul meu, despre multe altele intamplate deja sau care se vor intampla. Cateva dintre aceste povesti au fost vizibile in imagini pe dragutul de facebook sau in scris pe mailuri...unele au ramas sa fie povestite. Imi promit sa public macar cate un episod pe saptamana din aceste seriale :)
Pe curand deci...
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